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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Dan, Dex, Clement, Hazel, Ariel, Yin Wei and me (Jasper) went to participate in some Red Camp4 trial where we are suppose to be participants to ensure that the program runs well.

And, announcing... ARIEL, our new NP Poster Girl!!

Announcing Ariel as the winner

Going to collect her prize

She also won one of the best postcard design. OMG, maybe she belongs more to the design side


@ 8:22 PM

Monday, August 06, 2007

BLAW class presentation

Yo, Jasper here, shall upload some pictures here.

Jasper's group- me, mikail, clement, khairul and stephanie

Dan and our backs

Clement, Dan & Mikail (Note that Mikail always look funny in pics)

Jasper, Kirsch, Nezeem and Clement

Class pic. TB22

Shirley's group

Kirsch's group

@ 7:16 AM

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Hey guys

anyway, a few of us went to Jurong to watch some fencing competition at RP.

Then, some of us went to Lakeside to support some group's I&E event.
Left early, so i didn't really know what is going on. All i know is that Lakeside Park has this playground that is quite fun to play. Pictures of that are with Dan.

ZhiYu carrying his bag in a X shape

Look carefully. ZhiYu's bag is tied to Daniel's

@ 8:52 AM

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

After almost one and a half year in Ngee Ann Polytechnic, we always got tutors who are fit and healthy and who always turn up for class. Besides public holidays where classes were postpone, we never had classes canceled.

All this changed today.... our FMGT class was canceled.

Some of us were caught unprepared and made so much noise in the corridor despite other classes going on in the adjacent classrooms. Many didn't really know what to do, though most of them opted to go home and have an early rest.

Some suay ppl who rushed all the way to class from home was totally caught off guard when she realised that class was canceled. Wasted trip made.

Ppl like me, mikail and clement had an additional 2 hours break before our cca start.

Daniel, Mikail, Clement and class canceled forms.

Posted by Jasper

@ 8:33 AM

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Yo! Jasper here with my part of the zoo trip update!

Dan drumming away while waiting for latecomers like ahem

From Left: Shirley, Nezeem, Peiling & Jane

Dan and Shirley notices the camera while the others battle away at Tick Tack Toe

ZhiYu crying cos no one wants to play with him

guys guys guys

Girls from the old and new tb22

Zhiyan and Shirley exploring a dark hollow tree trunk. I heard that they're afraid of the dark

Rhino and me looking damn screwed

Ariel, Hazel and half a Rhino

Jane, Jasper, Ariel

Ariel & Jane

Candid shot

Ariel (with face covered), Dan, ZhiYan, Jasmine

Dan looks bored beside ZhiYan and Jasmine

Group photo!

Trying our best to look dao

Stunned by my radiance

ZhiYu and Dan feeling and looking damn sad for leaving me behind

Bye bye

@ 5:49 PM

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

today tb22 went to the zoo. this is dan's share of the pictures.

zhiyan, shirle and zhiyu looking in awe at dan's muscles

jasper and dan, coolness

old and new tb22 walking together in harmony

dan and boyfriend

peiling, jane and penguin. oh ya and thats some guy called zhiyu LOL

shirle, blurry face boy number 1 and blurry face boy number 2

tb22 girls waiting for the bus that never came

everyone looking for pygmy hippos. they're so small that zhiyu has to look so closely

dan and his zhiyu with cursed seal unlocked and that's jasper in the background

shirle, nezeem, peiling and jane

dan, shirle and nezeem and many many elephant behind

zhiyu having a bitch fit with dan. dont cry boys! u both are too handsome for that!

@ 6:47 AM

Thursday, April 05, 2007

roar!!! leader dan here! from a tub of milk i have arose! feel my wrath!

shirley and jane. that's a ridiculous cap =.=

maureen and the chicken that dan didn't cook properly. shhh

shirley, jane, maureen bbqing. maybe thats why the chicken is uncooked.

mikail getting owned by dan

zhiyu and jasper with an anti-social device.

dan bbqing like a pro. shirley on his shoulder.

jasper and dan.

shirley. dans finger tapping her head.

jane, maureen, shirley playing with balls.

tiny jasper

jasper, shirley, jane losing to dan at dai deeeeeee

mikail TRYING to sing

shirley so happy despite losing

zhiyu a.k.a pwnerer

@ 7:26 AM


ngeeannpoly business studies diploma.


*formal group during tutorials , informal groups during outings. high group dynamics, does not suffer from groupthink.

*loves tutorial lessons with great tutors like tan tien siang and pang.

*perfectly inelastic, like perfect competition market, we are all the takers living in the ideal state of economy.


KONG kirsch
KHO yanhui
LEONG clement
LIN jasmine
LING mikail
SEAH jasper
SIE dexter
SIOW peiling
TAN jane
TAN zhiyu
TEO daniel
THNG maureen
WONG shirley
YEO zhiyan
ZHONG yinwei



our favourite friend


picture and layout edited by shirleywong(:
Original layout from blogskins


July 2006
August 2006
November 2006
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
November 2007